Attention Delran Residents: It has come to my attention that certain rumors, accusations, and statements were made regarding a fellow resident’s corporate sponsorship involvement with the Carli Lloyd Event on October 14th, as it relates to that resident’s current application and variance request before the Township Zoning Board.
First and foremost is it important to note that Zoning Board members may never have made a connection between the application in question and the corporate sponsorship for the event, had it not been posted by a non-resident on social media which made it a topic of conversation.
The Zoning Board is a quasi-judicial body comprised of volunteer citizens that are beholden only to consider if an application meets the qualifications of the existing land use laws of the State of New Jersey and the applicable ordinances of Delran. In the case of an application that includes a request for a variance; they are authorized to grant a variance-based solely on the merits of the application itself and its impact on the town.
They are given guidance during the process of hearing an application from the board’s attorney, engineer, and planner and must make the decision based on whether the applicant demonstrates that the variance would have a positive benefit for the town that outweighs any possible negative impact of approving said variance.
It should be noted that Delran’s land-use laws were enacted consistent with the Master Plan, which was drafted by the Planning Board many years ago. While the Master Plan is subject to periodic reexamination, due to State-mandated requirements; it is an open, public process and, other than the public comment provided during each hearing; it is not subject to the influences of anyone outside of that board. Private agendas and emotions are not a factor in the process, nor can they be.
Additionally, the applicants, their attorney, and any additional witnesses involved during an application hearing are expected to give sworn testimony, subject to the same penalties of perjury that would be applicable in a deposition or court of law.
Furthermore, the implication that the applicant in question, a long time Delran resident and personal friend of the guest of honor, was attempting to bribe or coerce a volunteer citizen board or circumvent the application process in any way, is not only preposterous; but could easily create standing for their own libel case. It not only could be considered negatively impactful to the business the applicant currently owns, but also to their friends and family (including Carli Lloyd) who have been affected by the defamatory comments.
We would also like to remind all residents that Zoning and Planning Board meetings are subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, commonly known as “Sunshine Laws” as is every Township Council Work Session or Public Meeting. All of these meetings are recorded, and records of these meetings are kept and made available to all residents who submit a request through the Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.
Finally, we would like to remind you once again that Zoning and Planning Boards are comprised of your neighbors, who have volunteered their time to serve our town. Discussions implying impropriety or that they are somehow influenced by a corporate sponsorship for a special township event, can only be considered to be absolutely offensive to each and every member of those boards.