Sewer Department

Delran Sewer Department

Township Building

900 Chester Avenue

Superintendent of Operations

Joseph Russell

Office Phone

Sewer Plant



Office Hours

Weekdays 8:30am to 4:30pm





No Sewer


Rate for 10,000 gallons





.09 per gallon

Per 1,000 gallons




Due Dates

Sewer is due quarterly:  April 1st , July 1st, October 1st, January 1st

Checks should be made payable to:  “Township of Delran Sewer”

Grace Period

There is a thirty-day grace period.

Delinquent Interest Charges on Sewer

Sewer remaining unpaid by after the grace period are subject to interest at the rate of 18% per annum.  The 18% interest rate will remain in effect until the account is paid current.

Annual Billing

Sewer Bills are mailed once a year, in late February or early March. The bill represents the quarterly payment the coming year.

Annual Property
Delran Municipal Center

Senior Relief Programs

Any Senior Citizen who receives the property tax senior deduction is automatically eligible for the senior deduction.  No application is needed.

Change of Address

Change of Address request must be in writing.

Sewer Payment Reminders

If you would like to receive an e-mail reminder that your tax bill or sewer bill is due, please e-mail [email protected].  On or before the payment is due, you will receive an e-mail reminder from us. You will then have through the grace period to pay. Application for Quarterly Reminder

Direct Debit Payments

Delran Township is pleased to offer the convenience of Direct Debit of your TAX and SEWER payments from your personal account to Delran Township’s account. Complete and return an AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH) Authorization Agreement with a VOIDED CHECK from your account. There is NO additional charge/fee for this service. 

Direct Debit Application

Completed Authorization Agreement forms must be received by the 15th of the month preceding the due date. The withdrawal date will be on or around the fourth of the month.

Your account must be current to begin this service. Please note that separate authorization agreements must be completed each property.



Remittances requiring a receipt must be accompanied by the entire sewer bill and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Otherwise, detach the appropriate stub and mail with your check. The cancelled check will be your receipt.

Postmarks are not accepted.

Postdated checks will be returned.

A service charge will be assessed if the bank returns a check for any reason.

Low Income Household Water
Assistance Program

The State Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help you pay arrears for your water and sewer bills. The program may also be able to help address tax liens due to water and sewer arrears. To get more information and apply, go to or call NJ211.

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