Special Trash Update 6.29.22

Attention Delran Residents,

We want to update you on the ongoing issues related to Municipal Solid Waste collection. First, I want to let you all know that Council and I share your frustration. We have been in contact with and are aware that this is affecting surrounding municipalities as well.

While there was a promise from Republic Services that there would be no change in service during contract renewal despite the increase in cost, that has simply not been the case.

Delran, like many other municipalities, has experienced a considerable problem with the quality of trash collection; including missed collection issues that last for days, trash left on our streets, and leaking hydraulic fluid from poorly maintained vehicles.

We have already fined Republic Services over $50,000 and will continue to leverage fines against them for all missed collections and other violations of the terms of their contract as well as any other options we may find available or necessary, however we also feel that is not enough.

More must be done to resolve these issues and I have been looking at several options moving forward; working with elected officials from other municipalities to explore all possible solutions. Please continue to leave your cans out at the curb until further notice. Again, we share your frustration and are actively working on this issue, and we will provide as much information as is available.    

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