Tax Office
Tax Assessor
Tom Davis
Tax Assessor
- 856-764-7364
Hours – Wednesday 9 am -12 pm
It is the assessor’s duty to continually process all changes in the status of a property, thereby ensuring that taxes are levied proportionally to all property owners.
The Assessor’s office provides the information necessary to ensure an accurate valuation of properties and equitable distribution of the real estate tax levy, so that all taxpayers pay their fair share of the obligations of the schools, the county and the municipality.
Tax Collector
Jamey Eggers
Tax Collector
Hours – Weekdays 8:30am to 4:30pm
The Tax Collector’s Office is responsible for the billing and collection of real estate property taxes and the enforcement of liens for delinquent taxes. Real estate property tax in Delran Township includes the collection of taxes for the County, County Library, County Open Space Program, School District, Fire District along with the Local Purpose Tax and the Municipal Open Space Tax.
Property Tax Payment Information
Taxes are due quarterly: February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st.
Checks should be made payable to the “Township of Delran”
Payment can be made in person or mailed to: Municipal Building, 900 Chester Avenue, Delran, NJ 08075
For your convenience there is a Drop Box located in front of the Municipal Complex next to the mail box. Please place all payments in an envelope addressed to the Tax Office. The box is emptied each morning and payments posted promptly.
Postdated checks will be returned.
A service charge will be assessed if the bank returns a check for any reason.
Additional offices hours: The last day of the quarter evening of February, May, August and November from 5 to 7 pm. For security reasons, only the side entrance will be open.
Grace Period. There is a ten-day grace period for property taxes. If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, then the grace period is extended to the next business day.
Postmarks are not accepted. In the event that there is a delay in the certification of the tax rate and the mailing of the tax bills, the grace period for the August 1st payment will be extended. The extended grace period will allow 25 days after the date of mailing of the tax bills.
If you would like to receive an email reminder that your tax bill or sewer bill is due, click here to register for reminders: Tax and Sewer Payment Reminders or send an email to [email protected]. You will receive a notice on or before the payment is due. Payments must be received before the grace period expires to avoid late payment penalties.
Direct Debit Payments
Delran Township is pleased to offer the convenience of Direct Debit of your TAX and SEWER payments from your personal account to Delran Township’s account. Complete and return an AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH) Authorization Agreement with a VOIDED CHECK from your account. There is NO additional charge/fee for this service.
Completed Authorization Agreement forms must be received by the 15th of the month preceding the due date. The withdrawal date will be on or around the fourth of the month. Your account must be current to begin this service. Please note that separate authorization agreements must be completed for each property.
Change of Address
Change of Address request must be in writing.
Remittances requiring a receipt must be accompanied by the entire tax bill and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Otherwise, detach the appropriate stub and mail with your check. The cancelled check will be your receipt.
Delinquent Interest Charges
Taxes remaining unpaid by the due date are subject to interest at the rate of 8% per annum up to $1,500.00 and 18% per annum over $1,500.00. The 18% interest rate will remain in effect until the account is paid current.
Annual Billing
Tax Bills are mailed once a year, in late June or early July. The bill represents the quarterly payment for the final two quarters of the current year and the first two quarters of the coming year. The payments for the first two quarters of the coming year (Preliminary) are based on one-half of the previous year’s taxes. When the bill for the second half taxes (Final) is rendered, the tax rate has been established and the total year’s tax is fixed. The preliminary amount is deducted and the remainder becomes your second half taxes.
Added Assessment Bills
Added Assessment tax bills for new construction or recently completed improvements are mailed in October. This bill is in addition to the annual bill. Payments on added assessment tax bills are due November 1st. February 1st, and May 1st. In the succeeding tax year, the entire assessment should be combined as one billing.
Additional Billing Information
Contact the Tax Collector’s office if you do not receive or misplace your tax bill. Taxes or assessments are valid whether or not the taxpayer receives a bill. New Jersey statutes indicate that the taxpayer is “put on notice to ascertain from the proper official the amount of their tax or assessment liabilities”.
Property taxes are assessed on the property; not the property owner.
New property owners should receive a current tax bill from the previous owner at settlement. When this office receives the deed from Burlington County Clerk’s Office, a new bill will be sent automatically. Since the recording of the deed may take up to six to eight weeks and if you need to make a payment, please feel free to contact this office for a bill prior to the recording of the deed. If a bill is prepared prior to the recording of the deed, the name will be listed as “current owner”.
If your mortgage has been recently satisfied, you may use the advice copy of the annual bill mailed late June or early July. If you have misplaced your advice copy, contact the office and we will prepare a duplicate.
Requests for changes in mailing addresses or mortgage company information must be done in writing.

Annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled who meet certain income and residency requirements. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.
Annual deduction of up to $250 from taxes due on the real or personal property of qualified war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses/surviving civil union partners/surviving domestic partners. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.
Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans Application
Full exemption from property taxes on a principal residence for certain totally and permanently disabled war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses/surviving civil union partners/surviving domestic partners. Unmarried surviving spouses/surviving civil union partners/surviving domestic partners of a serviceperson who died on wartime active duty may also qualify. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.
Please contact the Tax Assessor for more information.
To file applications by phone: 1-877-658-2972
To file applications online:
To ask questions: 1-888-238-1233
Online information:
To check the status (amount) of a filed rebate application: 1-877-658-2972

Taxation e-mail address for rebate questions: [email protected]
To ask questions: 1-800-882-6597
To check the status of a filed application: 1-800-882-6597
To listen to information or to order an application: 1-800-323-4400
Online information:
Text Telephone Service (TTY/TDD) for Hard-of-Hearing Users: 1-800-286-6613 or 609-984-7300
Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights
The Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights ensures that: 1) All property taxpayers are accorded the basic rights of fair and equitable treatment under the State Constitution and laws of New Jersey; 2) All property taxpayers receive the information and assistance they need to understand and meet their property tax responsibilities.
As a property taxpayer, you have the right to obtain information explained in simple nontechnical terms about:
- Your responsibilities and rights as a property owner and property taxpayer
- Your real property assessment process and how it is determined and calculated
- Your right to appeal and how to appeal an assessment you believe is incorrect as to your property or as to another property in that same county and the time limits involved
- Your right, in the context of a property tax appeal, to view the property record card of other real property in the municipality in which the taxpayer’s property is located.
- Responsiveness – You have the right to expect questions will be responded to within a reasonable amount of time
- Statements and Notices – You have the right to expect all notices you receive will clearly identify the purpose of the communication and the property procedure when responding
- For More Information – Many Local Property Tax forms and publications are available at: