Township Council & Meetings
The Township Council
Delran is organized under the Optional Municipal Charter Law (Faulkner Act) as a Mayor-Council form of government. The governing body consists of five members with three elected to represent their wards. The terms are four-year staggered terms. The Mayor and the remaining two Council members are elected at large for four-year terms.
The Council is the legislative body of the municipality, compared to the Mayor who is the executive. The Council’s legislative powers are executed by ordinance, resolutions, or motions as allowed by law. Council’s legislative function includes the following:
- Adoption of ordinances
- Adopt the municipal budget
- Establish various salaries
- Approval of contracts
- Exercise of advice and consent to actions of the Mayor
- Conduct legislative inquiry
- Adoption of rules for the Council
- Establishment of times and places for Council meetings
- Appointment of committees, standing committees, and Zoning Board members
- Override of a veto of the mayor
- Adoption of ordinances
- Adopt the municipal budget
- Establish various salaries
- Approval of contracts
- Exercise of advice and consent to actions of the Mayor
- Conduct legislative inquiry
- Adoption of rules for the Council
- Establishment of times and places for Council meetings
- Appointment of committees, standing committees, and Zoning Board members
- Override of a veto of the mayor


President of Council & Councilman At-Large – Term expires 12/31/2026

Vice President of Council & Ward 2 Councilman - Term expires 12/31/2028
The list of Council members can be found here.
Council Meeting & Agendas
Council meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at the Municipal Building. All meetings are open to the public. The types of meetings are as follows:
- “Public Meeting” – The second Tuesday of the month. These meetings are more formal in nature and where Council takes action on items discussed at the prior work sessions.
- “Work Session” Meeting – This meeting is held on the fourth Tuesdays of the month. Work session meetings are more detailed as Council deliberates and debates individual items. For example, Council will debate the language of an ordinance and solicit advice from their professionals. Action may be taken at this meeting. However, Council can take formal action at these meetings as well.
An agenda is prepared for each meeting by the Township Clerk, with items proposed by the Council President and Administration. The agenda is posted on the website by the end of business day the Friday prior to the meeting. In addition, the agendas are also provided to the residents during the in-person meetings.
Notice of meeting changes (date/time) or additional special meetings will also be posted on this website’s news section and advertised in the Burlington County Times and Camden Courier-Post.
Contact Delran:

Livestream and Video Recording
In an effort to be both transparent and flexible with busy schedules, Council meetings are streamed live online and archived in video format.
Live meetings are now streamed on the Township’s Youtube. Click the red button below to view a live stream of an active meeting or watch below — if there is a meeting in progress.
Meetings after January 2021 can be found on our Youtube Page. Meetings prior to 2021 can be viewed at LiveStream.

Minutes and Records
To maintain the record, all Council meetings are audio recorded, video recorded, and written minutes are produced.
Council minutes are not available immediately after the meeting as the Clerk must transcribe them and then Council must approve the minutes. Once Council approves the minutes, they are posted online.

Public Comments and Statements
The Council invites and encourages participation by the public at its meetings.
Citizens have the opportunity to address the Council on subjects of interest during the “Public Comment” portion of the meeting, which is normally at the conclusion of each meeting.
Read the Township’s Rules Concerning Meeting Decorum & Procedure here. In summary, the decorum rules are as follows:
- If you wish to speak, raise your hand and you will be recognized. At that time, you may approach the microphone and state your name and address for the record.
- Your comment or question shall be directed at the Council President.
- All statements are part of the public record, both written and video recorded, and cannot be retracted.
These are guidelines to help Council members hear as many different viewpoints as possible in the limited time available. If you are speaking for a group, you should tell the Council how the group developed the position that you are presenting. If previous speakers have already made the comments you wish to make, feel free to simply identify yourself and indicate your agreement with what has already been stated.