A Notice Regarding Traffic Calming Improvements at Tenby Chase Drive and Grande Boulevard
In an effort to improve safety for motorists and pedestrians, we will begin implementing traffic calming measures on Tenby Chase Drive and Grande Boulevard, beginning October 21st, and are currently expected to reach completion by the Winter.
Grande Boulevard Improvements
Grande Boulevard currently has a wide roadway and no lane striping, which invites speeding motorists.
The improvements will include the following:
- Lane striping which will define a narrower driving lane and differentiate the driving lanefrom the parking zones
- Addition of sidewalks to connect residential zones with the sports complex, providing safer areas of passage.
- Installation of chicanes, a popular traffic calming technique. Their purpose is to:
- reduce the width of the travel lane which
slows traffic; - prohibit parking at the corner of cross streets which creates better sight lines for motorists; and
- provide safer crosswalks by reducing the length ofthe cross walk and highlighting pedestrian crossing zones for motorists These chicanes are only used in a limited section of the road. Learn more about chicanes here.
- reduce the width of the travel lane which
- Solar powered speed radar sign to alert drivers of their speed
Tenby Chase Improvements
Tenby Chase Drive (between Don Deutsch and Vermes fields) is dangerous to drivers and pedestrians, particularly during sporting events and practices.
Traffic Calming measures will include the following:
- Additional lane striping to delineate the travel lane and shoulder for parking
- Solar-powered speed radar sign to alert drivers of their speed.
- Installation of chicanes at crosswalks, the benefits of which are mentioned above.
Concept Plans
Concepts plan for traffic calming improvements can be found here.